Exaget ActiveRadio

Targeted Radio Ads in your LIVE Radio Streams

Monetise your online audience with Exaget\’s ActiveRadio® technology. The power and intimacy of Radio and the engagement, targeting and accountability of Digital.


Exaget\’s ActiveRadio® technology allows an advertiser to have instant two-way coversations with their target audience. Deliver an Audio message and get a Digital response.

The technology works by targeting audio advertisements exactly at individual mobile listeners in real-time. These messages are accompanied by interactive visual cues and calls to action.Exaget’s specificity ensures listeners receive content that is relevant and meaningful. This “exact targeting” capability — the origin of the name Exaget — makes audio advertising much more valuable to broadcasters, advertisers and audiences alike.

Improved Engagement

Exaget are specialists in radio technology for mobile and online. Our technology helps broadcasters build and monetise their online and mobile audiences, adding value with use of improved engagement, interaction, targeting and measurement. Exaget can either integrate our technology into your existing apps, or we can customise our white label solution with your streams, your branding and your twitter and facebook feeds.

Our technology adds value immediately by giving broadcasters the opportunity to insert interactive visuals to accompany your advertisers’ audio commercials and invite direct interaction.


Improved Interaction

Because Exaget’s app is on our listeners’ smartphone, it opens up a number of direct, immediate interaction options not available through FM, DAB or television listening

  • Click through – allowing listeners to click through to a microsite or a specific page on the advertiser’s site
  • Text message – allowing the advertiser to interact directly with the listener by sms text message
  • Social Networks – “Like on facebook or twitter for your chance to win” – allowing “one click” social media interaction. This offers viral potential both for the advertiser’s offer and your station
  • Call – Listeners can contact the advertiser directly simply by pressing the ‘call’ button

Improved Targeting

The first time a user listens through your app they are invited to “log in using facebook” allowing us to target them by

  • Age
  • Home Town
  • Interests
  • Relationship Status
  • Favourite Music
  • Sports Team

AffiliationsBecause your listener is streaming your output on their mobile phone we also have access to data that adds value to your clients in the mobile phone arena including: 

  • Device Model
  • Network Carrier

This gives your advertisers the chance to target “retention” or “switch over” campaigns according to a listener’s mobile network or upgrade campaigns by device – targeting iPhone 4 users with an iPhone 5s upgrade commercial for example. 

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Improved Measurement

Exaget’s technology also brings to radio two of the benefits of digital advertising – measurability and accountability. Not only can we help you accurately measure reach and listener hours, we can also track response rates through.