RAIN Summit Review

On the 4th November Exaget CEO, Shankar Meembat and Account Manager Matthew Layton attended the Radio and Internet News (RAIN) Summit in London. I caught up with Shankar to see how it went and ask what they found interesting.


So Shankar, how did you find the event?

I really enjoy the Summit, it was a lot of fun. It was great to meet a variety of organisations and people from within the industry from the big players to the small. There was much discussion amongst delegates about new processes and technologies and how these may impact on our current business models.


What was your favourite part?

It’s difficult to say, but I found the panel to be a great experience. Everything said on the panel was very thought provoking and it was interesting to hear other people’s opinions. Also, it’s always good to meet new entrants into the industry, who bring with them skills and experience from their previous work which sometimes is quite different.


Did you learn anything new?

Yes, inevitably you’ll learn something from these kinds of events as often other people are facing the same challenges that we do. You learn that it is possible to approach these hurdles from other perspectives and that there is often more than one way to resolve them


Your final thoughts – will you attend again?

Until you attend something like this, it is difficult to really know your market and quite how big and diverse it is. What’s more it helps to keep a track on changes within the industry, meet suppliers and customers and of course do a bit of networking of my own. It’s great to see the innovation happening within the industry and to see how quickly everything’s moving forwards. I look forward to the event next year and catching up with some people that I have met.