Exaget Week in Review: Mobile Advertising Forecasts & Future of Radio In Digital Age

Exaget Week in Review, Mobile Advertising, Forecasts, Future, Radio, Digital

According to a recent study by the Pew Research Center, “The Web at 25 in the U.S.,” it has become harder for consumers to give up the Internet than TV. Fifty-three percent of Internet users say the Internet would be very hard to give up, up from 38% in 2006. Only 35% of adults say their television would be very hard to give up, down from 44% in 2006.

The latest forecast from BIA/Kelsey. The firm says local media advertising revenues will grow from $133.2B in 2013 to $158.6B in 2018. National advertisers are increasing their spending in local markets to target consumers in specific geographic areas.

Mobile advertising is a tough nut to crack, but two distinct trends are beginning to make sense.

Radio is changing. The way listeners consume media (including radio) is transforming as well. This is not news to anyone who has been watching the industry for the past five or 10 years, but these changes are starting to reach into areas we might not have expected.

the British government will announce a date for a “digital switchover” when digital listening – ie not just DAB – reaches 50%. It’s about 36% now. But, you don’t need to worry too much about FM radio being turned-off. It may never happen.

Uncertainty rocking both the broadcast radio and record industries has opened an enormous opportunity for recording artists and record labels. Growth for the music industry will come from expanding the overall online radio audience and ad pie at the expense of broadcast radio.

Here’s this week’s round up:

US Mobile Advertising Spending To Reach $40 Billion By 2019

The advertising industry mega-trend of the last decade — ad dollars shifting from offline to online media — is continuing in this decade, as well. This is because more and more users are becoming “addicted” to the Internet.

National Advertisers Spending in Local Markets

In the incredibly competitive local advertising marketplaces throughout the U.S., national advertisers are playing a bigger role. While they still spend on nationwide networks (e.g., NBC, ESPN), they are increasing their spending with local media companies such as local radio and television stations, and local online properties.

The Future Of Mobile Advertising Will Be Shaped By Two Trends

Advertisers are learning to build mobile campaigns based on two trends that fit well into the mobile marketplace: programmatic buying and selling of ads mixed with contextual, data-aware delivery.

Your Radio Is an App

With so many content options now available, how do broadcasters ensure they maintain a place in the car? Listeners are going to seek out the content they want to hear, regardless of where it comes from. It’s all about the content. Listeners are their own best program director.

What are the options for radio in a digital age?

Mike is worried about losing access to FM radio and would like to know how he can continue to enjoy his hi-fi in the future

The Future of the Music Industry: Selling Audiences to Advertisers

When important trends are viewed through the lens of the music/radio consumer, the future of recorded music monetization is revealed. The majority of revenue flowing to artists and labels will soon come from advertising, not the sales of MP3s, CDs or subscriptions.

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